
Barbara Piper Barbara Piper

Coming to your Senses

Sometimes things happen that throw you off balance. Emotions flare up, then they make place for a certain sadness and finally if we are lucky, we find resilience and lift our heads up again.

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Chantal Paulson Chantal Paulson

VictoriaAmazonica Podcast with Lina Cuartas

VictoriaAmazonica is your personal invitation to explore the Emerald Rainforest, the Amazon. These are love letters filled with stories of adventure and underline the value of community and human relationships.

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Barbara Piper Barbara Piper

Be Rooted

Be Rooted is a school for compassion and meditation, for change from the inside out. We support organizations and young academic professionals to cultivate sustainable skills for personal well-being; integrating mind, heart, body and compassionate practices in support of living a fulfilling life.

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